Tijmen Wolf, That’s me.
Photography • Visual Design • Art Department
Photography • Visual Design • Art Department

I work as photographer, Visual Designer and in the Art Department for movies.
My speciality in photography is gardens, portraits, people at work and food & beverage. For about six years my work has been focussed on food & beverage. I was in charge of the photography and visual content, inclusding designing e-books en books, at a vegan recipe company.
My speciality in photography is gardens, portraits, people at work and food & beverage. For about six years my work has been focussed on food & beverage. I was in charge of the photography and visual content, inclusding designing e-books en books, at a vegan recipe company.
A couple of years ago I also started taking pictures of exclusive gardens, where I show the proces of the gardens beeing build, the people making the project en the final result.
Besides my photography en design work, I take on projects in the art department of moviesets, as a decor-coordinator. In this funcition I'm in charge of the planning, logistics and day-to-day management of building the movieset decor.
Besides my photography en design work, I take on projects in the art department of moviesets, as a decor-coordinator. In this funcition I'm in charge of the planning, logistics and day-to-day management of building the movieset decor.
Always up for a cup of coffee just contact me.
Contact information
+316 2823 8493
+316 2823 8493
Company information
Imagine a Wolf
KVK 56905424
BTW NL002208785B91
Imagine a Wolf
KVK 56905424
BTW NL002208785B91
Contact form
Message sent, thanks!I will respond as soon as possible.
Companies & organisations I took picture for
Dobla • DON Hoveniers • Gardens Beyond Imagination • Netherlands British Chamber of Commerce • American Peanut Council • BASF • Koopmans • Dr. Oetker • Nescafe • Lassie • Frecious • Maza • Rude Health • No Fairytales • So Vegan So Fine • Orginics • Plant B • Pure Wine • Fermentino • Kosmos • AOV Supplementen
My photography work has been published in
• Easy Vegan Fresh Start / Weight Loss Plan (2021)
• Easy Vegan All Day Breakfast (2020)
• Easy Vegan Fresh Start / Weight Loss Plan (2021)
• Easy Vegan All Day Breakfast (2020)
•Pure Luxe (editie 12, najaar 2024)
•Luxury Gardens (editie 2, najaar 2022)
• Ambiance (february, april, may, june, july 2021)
• Smulweb Magazine (#31 and #32)
• Eten Magazine (MJAM Taart, #75)
• Zoet Magazine (MJAM Taart, #73)
• UIT Magazine (#48, 2020)
•Pure Luxe (editie 12, najaar 2024)
•Luxury Gardens (editie 2, najaar 2022)
• Ambiance (february, april, may, june, july 2021)
• Smulweb Magazine (#31 and #32)
• Eten Magazine (MJAM Taart, #75)
• Zoet Magazine (MJAM Taart, #73)
• UIT Magazine (#48, 2020)